+975-02-321212/321210 info@fnph.edu.bt

The Faculty of Nursing and Public Health (FNPH), KGUMSB is pleased to notify the shortlisted applicants for the post of core and adjunct faculty from various wards at JDWNRH. This is as per the Vacancy Announcement letter no. FNPH/PLG/04/HRM/2024/679 dated 31st January 2024.

Sl. NoNameCIDDepartment / WardRemarks
1.Mr. Lobzang Dorji11516001237CabinShortlisted
2.Ms. Kinga Om10808001378Birthing CentreShortlisted
3.Ms. Tshering Dema11214000643Surgical wardShortlisted
4.Ms. Rinzin Delkar11306000023DialysisShortlisted
5.Ms. Yonten Dema11515002684OTShortlisted
6.  Ms. Pema Cheki11513000879OTShortlisted
7.Mr. Madan Gurung11806001298AICUNot shortlisted


  1. The selection interview for the above shortlisted applicants shall be conducted on 14th March, 2024 at 10.00 AM in the chamber of Dy. Dean –Nursing and Midwifery, FNPH.
  2. The applicants should produce Original Course completion certificates and other relevant training certificates, for the purpose of verification of the documents.
  3. The Position Level shall be fixed as per the qualification and relevant work experience of the applicant as per CoS-2018.

For any further queries, contact ADM/HR Officer- FNPH @ 02-322031/321212/321210 during office hours.


(Nima Sangay)
