+975-02-321212/321210 info@fnph.edu.bt

Dr.Ripa Chakma

Name: Ripa Chakma

Designation: Associate Professor


Ripa Chakma is a faculty member of the University of Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan(KGUMSB). 

Early life: The Chakma people are an ethnic minority from south-east region of Bangladesh. Chakma was born on 7th April,1968 in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. Then Dr Chakma came Bhutan on 2001.

Education :

  • 1997; Master of Public Health, New South Wales University, Sydney, Australia
  • 1994: Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS), University of Dhaka.

Occupation: University Academic and Medical Doctor. Dr Chakma started her teaching career at Faculty of  Nursing  Public Health (FNPH ) since 2002.    

Career :

  • From 2002 to present:  Teaching at  FNPH, KGUMSB with additional following roles
    • 2003 – 2015 : Program Leader for Diploma in Community Health, FNPH
    • 2005 – 2009: HoD, Basic Science Department, FNPH
    • 2016-2029 : Deputy Dean, Student Affairs, FNPH
  • 2001-2002 worked as Medical Officer  at  Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital ( JDWNRH), Thimphu, Bhutan
  • 1999-2001:  Assistant Project Manager, Family PlanningAssociation of Bangladesh, Dhaka
  • 1998-1999: Program Officer, NGO, Bangladesh
  • 1994- 1996: Resident Medical officer, Ideal Nursing Home, Mymensingh, Bangladesh


2016 : Best Employer of the year 2016, FNPH, KGUMSB

Currently Teaching:  Basic Anatomy and Physiology, Non communicable and Communicable diseases, Health Assessment and Child health to Diploma and Bachelor’s program students.

In addition to her regular teaching responsibilities,Currently, Chakma is :

  • Focal person of community club.
  • National Facilitator of Service with Care and Compassion Initiatives (SCCI) project which was initiated in the year 2019 by Ministry of Health (MOH) in collaboration with Khesar  Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan with financial support from WHO, SEARO.
  • Focal person from the faculty for the Stranded Treatment Guideline ( STG) group by MOH.
  • Served as facilitator for Certificate in peer outreach services which was initiated by Save the children and Ministry of health.
  • Contributed in the development of the Diploma in Community Health education system in evaluating and enhancing competency-based curriculum, standardizing rubrics and checklists making.


  • Care for Child Development Plus (C4CD Plus) Project by Save the Children, Bhutan
  • Integrated Management Of Neonatal and Childhood Illness (IMNCI),WHO
  • Teaching Methodology, KGUMSB


  1. Principal Researcher : Prevalence of Anemia in Relation to Body Mass Index (BMI) Among Students of Faculty of Nursing and Public Health, Bhutan, International Journal of Nursing and Health Science (SSRG-IJNHS) – volume 3 Issue5 September to October 2017 Original Research Article ISSN: 2454 – 7484
  2. Principal Researcher : The Prevalence of Syphilis and Pregnancy Outcome among Women Delivering at Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital, Thimphu, Bhutan, SSRG International Journal of Medical Science ( SSRG-IJMS ) – Volume 6 Issue 8 – Aug 2019
  3. Co-researcher: Situation of PMTCT in Bhutan, 14 years’ experience, Bhutan Health Journal, 2020 .
  4. Co-researcher:Knowledge and Preventive Practice on Sexually Transmitted Infections among first year students in Nursing Colleges of Bhutan, Bhutan Health Journal, 31stMay, 2023