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The Student Affairs Unit of the Faculty is pleased to announce the results of the Academic Year 2022-23 Student Councilors election held online using the VLE platform on 16th April 2022. The voting line was kept open from 9.00 AM till 8.00 PM. Unlike in the past, based on feedback, Males voted for their councilors, Females likewise and the faculties cast their votes for both genders.

  VotersTotal Eligible VotersVotes cast% voted
 Total students Turnout55745180.97
 Total Voter Turnout59347379.76
Student Councilors Election 2022 -Results
Male-Chief Councilor  
 Student IDName of candidateProgramme YearVotes securedResult
1BSc/2019/00147Pema DorjiBCC3128Elected
2Dip/2020/01136Sonam TobgayDCH2121 
Prayer Councilor    
1Dip/2020/01032Tenzin DorjiGNM2Yes238Elected
Games Councilor    
1DIP/2020/01130Sonam ChophelPYT253 
2Dip/2020/01137Sonam TsheringMLT218 
3Dip/2020/01101Nim Tshering PradhanDCH2106Elected
4Dip/2020/01156Tshering TashiPYT270 
Cultural Councilor    
1Dip/2020/01151Tenzin ChoedraMLT2133Elected
2Dip/2020/01035Tshengyen LethroGNM2110 
Female-Chief Councilor
1DIP/2020/01030Srijana GhalleyGNM2Yes227Elected
Prayer Councilor    
1Dip/2020/01058Dechen ChenzomDCH267 
2DIP/2020/01068Guru WangmoOPT2123Elected
3Dip/2020/01106Pema ChodenDCH258 
Games Councilor    
1DIP/2020/01029Sonam YangdonGNM2151Elected
2Dip/2020/01114Ranju PowrelDCH293 
Cultural Councilor    
1DIP/2020/01072Jigme Sonam YangkiDCH2178Elected
2DIP/2020/01050Babiya RaiXRT268 

If any voter or candidate feels aggrieved or wishes to contest any omission or commission by any person which had adverse bearing on free and fair elections, he/she can file in writing, a petition within 5 working days from the date of announcement of the results of the 2022-23 Councilor election to the Dy.Dean, Student Affairs.

The Councilor Elects shall assume their responsibilities with effect from 1st May 2022 if there are no disputes, working together with their out-going councilors to ensure a smooth transition.

We thank the out-going councilors for their dedicated service to the Faculty and the Student Body during the difficult times imposed by the Pandemic and wish them well in their future.

We would also like to thank the faculties and students for their support and participating in full force in this year’s councilor elections. I also thank the IT unit for setting up this election online using our VLE platform for the first time and ensuring its success.

Ugyen Wangdi

Dy.Dean, Student Affairs

Approved by

Dr.Chencho Dorjee