+975-02-321212/321210 info@fnph.edu.bt

KGUMSB/SA/2025/137                                                                                      Dated: 29/01/2025

Announcement for the academic year July 2025 intake.

The Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan(KGUMSB) is pleased to announce the admission criteria and vacancies for the academic year July 2025- June 2026 intake, in various programs under KGUMSB. Further, we would also like to inform all class xii passed candidates from past years (2023 and above) Bhutanese candidates with equivalent qualification from schools within and outside the country wishing to seek admission to the KGUMSB for the academic year July 2025 are asked to register online. The online registration for past year class xii will open from 1st -14th February 2025, and the candidates are requested to submit scanned copies of Class xii pass certificate, mark sheet and Citizenship Identity Card using the link: https://kguis.kgumsb.edu.bt/admission/

 The cutoff point for this registration is 60% and above in aggregate.  The fresh class xii candidates need not register, they will directly apply to the online admission system in the month of March 2025, which will be announced later.

Points to be Noted for past year class xii candidates:

 1.Candidates who were already selected in the previous year but had not reported or

 withdrawn are not eligible to apply.

 2.The candidate must submit authentic documents and fake documents shall be rejected

 3.No candidate shall be accepted after the deadline is over

4. Incomplete documents will not be accepted

4. Students who are repeating class xii in 2025 must not apply 

5.Candidates who have not studied Dzongkha need to undergo Dzongkha proficiency test

For further information, please visit our website: www.kgumsb.edu.bt  or call us at Telephone No-02-328999/328990 during office hours.

KGUMSB/SA/2025/137                                                                                                 Date: 29th Jan 2025                        

Admission Criteria and vacancy for July 2025 intake:

  1. Faculty of Nursing& Public Health (FNPH)
Sl #ProgramsEligibility criteriaAbility rating pointsScholarship  Self-finance  Total
  1BSc. Nursing & MidwiferyClass XII pass with 50% in Biology, chemistry, physics, English & DzongkhaBiology-5 English -3 Dzongkha -3 Chemistry-2 Physics-125 (15 F, 10 M)     5 (2 M, 3 F) 30  
  2BSc Clinical CounselingClass XII pass with 50% in Bio science, English & DzongkhaBiology-5 English -3, Dzongkha -3 Chemistry-2 Physics-16 (3 F,  3M)6 (3 M, 3 F)12
        3Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM)                          Class XII pass Science with a minimum of 40% each in English, Dzongkha, Biology or Physics or Chemistry        Commerce: Class XII pass Commerce with a minimum of 40% each in English, Dzongkha & Commerce/Accountancy Arts: Class XII pass Arts with a minimum of 40% in English, Dzongkha and GeographyBio science: Biology-5 Chemistry-4 Physics- 3 English -3, Dzongkha -2 Pure science: Chemistry – 4 Physics-3 Math – 2 English -3 Dzongkha- 2 Commerce: Commerce/Accountancy/Business and Entrepreneurship -4 English- 3, Dzongkha- 2 2 other subjects- 2 each Arts: Geography-4 English- 3, Dzongkha -2 2 other subjects- 2 each  25  (15F,  10 M)       5 (2 M, 3 F) 30
  4Diploma in Community Health & Medical TechnologyClass XII Pass with 45% in Bio Science, English and DzongkhaBiology-5 English -3, Dzongkha -3 Chemistry-2 Physics-1127 (64 F, 63 M)  5 (3 F, 2 M)   132
5Diploma in Pharmacy TechClass XII Pass with 45% in Bio Science, English and DzongkhaBiology-5 English -3, Dzongkha -3 Chemistry-2 Physics-1      05 (3 F, 2 M)   5
   Total intake183 (97 F, 86 M)26 (15 F, 11 M)  209

