+975-02-321212/321210 info@fnph.edu.bt

The Faculty of Nursing & Public Health is pleased to announce self-finance slots in Bachelor of Nursing and Midwifery (Nested) program for the academic year July 2023.

1.Bachelor of Nursing and Midwifery (Nested)3Self-finance


  • Self finance slots shall be given to the Diploma in GNM graduates of Faculty of Nursing and Public Health .
    The selection of candidate will be based on merit ranking
  • The selection will be done on 8th August. Please keep your mobile phone on between 9AM- 5PM
  • For any queries, call Deputy Dean Student Affair at Telephone number -321212, Extension no. 114 during office hours.
  • Contact Account officer for tuition fees and other financial related issues at Telephone number 321212, Extension no. 136 during office hours.
  • No hostel facilities will be provided.